Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The media is en fuego.

I really enjoyed this movie. I thought that the acting was very good and the cinematography was dead on for the theme. This was the secong time that I watched the movie so I was able to pick up on a lot more stuff which was very helpful. So I decided to watch the evening news KCAL 9. What I discovered was quite odd. KCAL 9 had a huge opening intro video with hurricanes floods, shootings, Fighter jets and a whole bunch more crap flying around the screen. Looking back on the movie the whole show consisted of Murrow in a dark room and the occasional cut away to video. So thats pretty different. Also, KCAL 9 had probably 8 or so different stories that they covered in the 10 minutes that I watched, Murrow had pretty much one topic and a deep insight into the story. KCAL was basically unbiased in the stories that I watched as where Murrow had his own opinion. Honestly though I ve got to say, in class you asked if everyone had to choose between watching one or the other which would they watch. Everyone said Murrow, but I think if you reall sat them down and made them choose to watch one or the other almost everyone including myself would probably watch the modern day version because we would all get way to bored with Murrow. Thats not a bash on him its just how we're brought up to watch tv nowadays, we want action and drama with lots of pictures, and not the insightful Murrow style program of the past.

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