Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No tube...

So I guess Amazon.com just completely lied to my face when they told me it would be here in 2 days, now theyre saying tommorow but I dont know if thats right or just a randomly generated number that the computer came up with. So I didnt do the reading. As for my equpiment list; I guess we could use any pair of headphones because our budget is already pushing the school to its breaking point, and I dont think we need to go all out on that. Im almost certain that the new mics that we have at school will work so we shold be ok there. I had an idea for our report, I dont think its very plausible but it would be kinda funny to look at and explore, What is the difference between going to a public high school and going to a private high school? Thats all for this post, Good Night and Good Luck.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The media is en fuego.

I really enjoyed this movie. I thought that the acting was very good and the cinematography was dead on for the theme. This was the secong time that I watched the movie so I was able to pick up on a lot more stuff which was very helpful. So I decided to watch the evening news KCAL 9. What I discovered was quite odd. KCAL 9 had a huge opening intro video with hurricanes floods, shootings, Fighter jets and a whole bunch more crap flying around the screen. Looking back on the movie the whole show consisted of Murrow in a dark room and the occasional cut away to video. So thats pretty different. Also, KCAL 9 had probably 8 or so different stories that they covered in the 10 minutes that I watched, Murrow had pretty much one topic and a deep insight into the story. KCAL was basically unbiased in the stories that I watched as where Murrow had his own opinion. Honestly though I ve got to say, in class you asked if everyone had to choose between watching one or the other which would they watch. Everyone said Murrow, but I think if you reall sat them down and made them choose to watch one or the other almost everyone including myself would probably watch the modern day version because we would all get way to bored with Murrow. Thats not a bash on him its just how we're brought up to watch tv nowadays, we want action and drama with lots of pictures, and not the insightful Murrow style program of the past.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Good Night and Good Luck... yeah.

Ive already seen this movie but Ill just talk about the parts that weve seen. First off I really like the choice to shoot the movie in BW because it gives it that old school feel. Sometimes adding the BW effect can make it look like you were trying to force the old look on your audience but the movie doesnt give that impression. The music is appropriate and tasteful. There are several scenes to where the movie is played with no sound and just music with a chaotic event happening in the background these moments capture you and make you feel like your right there.

As for the actual story, well I think its great. The fact that Murrow would go after someone that powerful was very admirable. To go after someone who had that much power over the media was very brave. In todays world we have a lot more media sources so for a person to really control the media now probably wouldnt happen.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The smoke of god...

The deal is this. They count the ballots and if they have reached a decision they burn zed ballots and the smoke comes out white. If a decision has not been reached they put a chemical on the burning ballots which turns the smoke black.



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

super sexy survey.

These survey questions are part of my homework for DIGITAL VOYAGE CLASS! Ahoy!

Q: If you are bored at home do you go to the internet first or do you go and watch TV.?

Q:Would you rather be famous from the internet or from TV?

Q:Do you learn more from TV or the internet?

Q:What do you believe was a greater invention?

Q:If you had to destroy TV or the internet which would you choose?

My Vans, Batman, and Daniel Day Lewis

So I got these new Vans, which my friend bought for me, and wow I actually feel like a someone now because I'm wearing these really cool shoes, and even though they they kinda hurt sometimes Ill still where them.

Also I was just chatting with Joshua, who is sitting next to me also blogging and we came to the conclusion that the only way that the Batman series could top Dark Knight would be if they had Christian Bale as Batman and also as the villain. Dont know who it would be but I dont think that matters. Also Daniel Day Lewis needs to get in on the Batman series...yah then life would be good.

Tropic Thunder

So I saw Tropic Thunder, and it was so fricken funny. I mean it was like one of those movies where i finished it and as I was walking out of the theatre I thought to myself, wow I want to see that again. I mean I was lying in bed at night and I was seriously laughing as I was going to sleep. Whatever you do, go and see this movie please give Ben Stiller more money so that he can make more good movies...seriously.