Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dude, pass the Tube.

Once again my theory that World War two created everything is revieling its truthfulness. The technolgy created during the war really helped jump start TV. Even though they said that this would stall TV's progress, which it did, in the long run it helped by letting companies jockey for position and improve on existing technologies. Im also fascinated with World Fairs. RCA said they woould reveal there new creation at the world's fair. I guess along time ago that was the place to show your new technology. Do we still have these?

Veteran piece

Art Peterson is a World War two veteran who served in the 101st airborne. He jumped into France on D-Day, and took place in the invasion and the different operations from there. He then found himself at Bastogne in the Arden forest during the battle of the Bulge where he encountered extreme weather and fighting.

I think Mr. Peterson would be a good person to interview because he has been to our school before and is very clear and articulate. He would also have some veryinteresting stories to tell. He is Hispanic so that is also unique and that could be a topic in itself. Since he went through so much in World War two we could choose from a huge variety of topics.

Ifvmy memory serves me correctly I believe he has a purple heart and a distinguished service cross. So that could also be interesting to look at.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tube of awseomeness

Reading tube of plenty is pretty interesting. At times things seem sarcastic and other times they seem like they're just making it up. I cant really explain it but its pretty awesome. I liked how the presidential race was being intertwined with the creation of Tv. I also really enjoyed reading about the star up of NBC. How all of those companies fell under another's control and how they finally reached an agreement to create all of the television stations onto one system to eliminate confusion.

Monday, October 13, 2008

e-mail security

Levi I need your help because I'm not able to access google groups, so I have to write my HW on the blog...(sigh). Chris your going to interview Matt and ask him the standard questions that we're going to ask Bill and Beth( who I'll interview).

What e-mail service do you use? Why did you choose that service? Do you have personal info an your e-mail that could be harmful to you if it was releaseed? Do you feel like it is secure, if so why, if not why not? Did you hear about the Palin story, what did you think?( You can ask Matt if he can talk about the future of internet security.)

As for the outline, I feel like our group still needs to meet once more so that we can have a complete understanding of what we're doing, I'd say like 15 minutes in class would do, we just really didnt have any time to talk on Monday. I dont know if that would be alright with you, but it would help us out.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Pitch...

E-Mail security. Finding the Balance.

We are going to start off the story by talking about E Mail. Almost every person around has an Email address, whether they use it or not. A lot of people share personal information through E mail and they should be able to because it is secure right? Well apparently not. Then we are going to touch briefly on the Sarah Palin incident, I mean she was a vice presidential candidate using a yahoo account. Anyway then we will get to the main point of our story.

To get an email address you have to fill out password and forgot password questions. Thats the norm and everyone is used to this. But, what the trouble is now is that the people in charge of these email services are finding it difficult to make a balance between securing your mail so noboby can get to it, while at the same time making it easily accesble to someone who has forgotten their email or user name. Because if its to easy then your email could be hacked into. If its too hard then people cant get back into their accounts.

We'll interview Matt, who is our resident computer genius, and ask him a variety of quetions on how the balance could be reached. We'll ask to regular average jooes probably one student and one teacher if they would rather be safe or be able to access their accounts once they cant get back in again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And here we go...

So I read the first chapter of tube of plenty. I've got to say first impressions are pretty good. I think that the book flows well, and its stories are interesting and engaging. I especially enjoyed the whole piece about Marconi. To think that such a person could come up with such a ground breaking new technology, it really boggles the mind. One part I really enjoyed was when his parents saw some of his first expiraments through wireless transmission, and they didnt see the significance of it. I thought that was pretty incredible, I mean, could you imagine discovering something like that before the turn of the century... Ha Ha I know I cant.


Matt ( young computer genius)

Regular youth

Police, authority figure