Alright A-TEAM! Let's get down to business! The way I see this movie turning out, is like this. We should make it like we're making a documentary on what has actually happened since 9/11. What I mean by that is, we shouldn't say in our movie, and then this could happen, or and then this would happen. It needs to be definite. I dont know if that made any sense, but oh well. Freakin Slumdog Millionaire, 8 awards?! Kung Fu Panda got robbed from best animated movie . Anyway, we need to find sources on very popular news stories before 9/11. It mite also be good to find other news in other countries about the US, like the BBC or something. So news right before 9/11, everything after will be tainted. If we want to pursue the Darfur topic we should look up info on that, or any other country that would be interesting to go to war with like I dont know Mexico or Jamaica or something. Presidential nominees, Katrina response would it have been better or worse( I dont think it could have been any worse.) Please watch this video if you have time. So that's pretty much all we discussed. Remember boys slow and steady. Hey Joshua freakin shot in the dark here you wanna do somthin some time?
This is Dillon Yuhasz signing off.